Posts by wilkinson
Congratulations Gary Kerr
Wilkinson & Company LLP is proud to announce that Gary Kerr passed the Uniform Final Exam ( UFE), the final milestone in completing the academic requirements leading to the CPA, CA designation. A national three-day exam, the UFE assesses CPA, CA candidate competencies, including knowledge, professional judgment and ethics. A valued member of our team,…
Read MoreKris Himberg-Larsen CPA, CA, is to be admitted to the partnership
The Partners of Wilkinson & Company LLP are pleased to introduce our new tax partner, Kris Himberg-Larsen CPA, CA. Kris received his CA in 2001 and completed the In-Depth Tax Course in 2006; he joined Wilkinson in 2010 as a Tax Manager. Kris specializes in compliance, corporate reorganizations and personal and corporate tax planning; as…
Read MoreLinda Marshman wins the First Annual Wilf Wilkinson Community Service Award
On December 6, 2014, the first annual The Wilf Wilkinson Community Service Award was presented to Linda Marshman. The award named for our founding partner in recognition of his legacy of volunteering celebrates the outstanding leadership and community service of a Wilkinson employee. This year’s recipient, Linda Marshman, contributes her seemingly limitless energy and experience…
Read MoreFamily Trust Benefits
An opportunity exists for small business owners with children who have reached the age of majority to take advantage of the income-splitting opportunities available through a discretionary family trust. This bulletin outlines the general income tax principles of income splitting and corporation income tax, and the potential tax benefits available. Please see our latest Tax…
Read MoreEstate Freezes
Your successful corporation has grown in value, and you’re now thinking of your exit strategy. How will you pass the torch to the next generation of business owners? How will they be able to afford purchasing your shares at their fair value? Please see our latest Tax Bulletin for a discussion of this topic. This…
Read MoreWilf Wilkinson Presents Prime Minster Harper with the Rotary Foundation Polio Eradication Champion Award
In a ceremony held in Toronto, our founding partner, Wilf Wilkinson, (Past President of Rotary International, Past Trustee Chair of The Rotary Foundation and K.R. Ravindran, President Elect of Rotary International) presented Prime Minister Harper with the Rotary Foundation Polio Eradication Champion Award, for his longstanding support and continued leadership in efforts to eliminate polio…
Read MorePresentation: Preserving your wealth, your estate and paying less taxes
The partners and professionals of Wilkinson & Company, Cumberland Private Wealth Management and O’Flynn Weese invite you to learn more about preserving your wealth, paying less taxes, and preserving your estate. Please join us at 7PM on Thursday, November 6, 2014 for a presentation at The Belleville Club, 210 Pinnacle Street, Belleville. RSVP to John…
Read MoreCorporate Purification
A successful business corporation can generate a healthy amount of excess cash or investments that accumulate over time. A “corporate purification” provides a tax efficient way to separate this cash from your active business. Please see our latest Tax Bulletin for a discussion of this topic. This Tax Bulletin is the second of four Tax…
Read MoreIncorporating Your Business
Do you currently operate a small business as a sole proprietor or through a partnership? If so, have you ever considered incorporating your business? Please see our latest Tax Bulletin for a discussion of this topic where you will find some of the benefits and downfalls you should consider when deciding on incorporating your business.…
Read More2014 Ontario Budget
On May 1, 2014, the Ontario government presented its 2014 budget. Shortly after the budget presentation, both the opposition parties declared that they would not support the budget. Premier Kathleen Wynne announced an election shortly thereafter. Consequently, whether the measures in this budget will be implemented depends in large part on the outcome of the…
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