Phone: (613) 634-5581
Toll-free: (866) 692-0055
Email Colleen

"My previous position was as a financial planner and investment counsellor - I was tired of my clients saying they were going to confirm my advice with their accountant, so I decided to change professions and I became an accountant. Now I work with detailed numbers and tax consequences; if a client comes to me with personal or business issues, I can help them create a feasible plan to solve their problems and accomplish their goals.”
Colleen has been with Wilkinson since 2003. After 14 years of working in a trust company and credit union and completing her Certified Financial Planner (CFP) designation, she decided to move into accounting. She obtained her CA through the firm in 2007 and completed the In-Depth Tax Course in 2011. Colleen was promoted to Assurance Manager in 2010 and was admitted to the partnership in December 2013.
Colleen has been able to incorporate her background in financial planning with her tax work and consequently is an invaluable advisor to her clients. Many businesses and professionals are affected by special tax consequences, whether they are expanding, selling, merging, incorporating or retiring. Working with her clients’ present and future goals in mind, Colleen offers innovative tax strategies to help them maximize the potential of their businesses, life transitions and wealth building.
“When you are dealing with small to medium sized businesses, the person who comes into your office to see you is usually the owner,” says Colleen. “The business doesn’t just provide them a paycheque – it’s their life. What I’m concerned with is figuring out what their goals are for the future and for their family - and then we make a plan to get them there. We set up programs for the family and the children, we determine when they want to retire, and if the kids are going to take over – we help them with all sorts of things. That’s what I consider a successful relationship.”