Farming is not just about growing food – it’s about passion. Farmers are passionate about their land and passionate about what they produce.

Surviving in the automobile industry is a tricky road to navigate - and it’s not one you should be driving alone. Wilkinson understands the issues that affect those with auto dealerships in Canada.

Building a business requires courage, determination and a certain amount of sweat. And when your business is in construction, “bricks and mortar” takes on a whole new meaning.

The manufacturing industry in Canada can often seem like one big roller-coaster – you can be riding high one day with a strong export and production sector, and the next, the rising Canadian dollar and fluctuating energy and commodity prices have you plummeting.

Municipalities, universities (colleges), schools and hospitals (MUSH), are in part, funded by the government and must adhere to special capitalization requirements.

As a firm that is dedicated to community service, Wilkinson has a special interest in ensuring not-for-profit organizations comply with the latest in accounting practices so they may overcome the challenges they face and operate as efficiently as possible.

Canada’s aging population is increasing at a rapid rate – a trend that will continue as the majority of baby boomers turn 65 over the next few years.

For the busy professional, focusing on their chosen specialization is top priority. But often, the requirements of running a business can be overwhelming. Wilkinson knows it takes time and dedication to build a satisfying and rewarding career, and as your accountants we will help you every step of the way.

Life as a small to medium sized business owner can be exciting and challenging. Often entrepreneurs start a business with enthusiasm and energy but soon find themselves overwhelmed by concerns such as improving profitability, controlling expenses, or employee and reporting issues.

The tourism, hospitality and leisure sector is one of Canada’s fastest growing, and most competitive, industries. We understand that a vibrant tourism, hospitality and leisure industry leads to a vibrant community. After all, we are not just your accountants, we are also your customers.

Prince Edward County is a relatively new but growing wine region; its wines are winning more and more accolades and recognition from connoisseurs and industry experts alike.